Acquisition Of Land For “Development” Projects In India: The Road Ahead by Kelly Dhru, 2011
Summary of recommendations:
- Passing of a clear legislation laying down basic obligations of the Government towards the rehabilitation of displaced persons
- Use of a method for fixing the monetary compensation which accounts for the potentiality
of the price-rise - Compulsory Social Impact Assessment, ensuring that the subsequent problems of loss of employment, social surroundings and emotional trauma are accounted for
- Utilization of the system of Panchayati raj as a platform for the opinions and grievances of the affected people and formation of an interest group, that cannot go unheard
- A stronger international dialogue on Internal Displacement as a violation of Human Right to
foster the political will at the domestic level - A decentralized and less anthropocentric approach towards ‘development’, and reconsideration of
obligations of the state and citizens